About Us

At Lineage by Vana Fine, we believe you are born to be unique. As you are an individual with more than what meets the eye, the way you express yourself can be one in a million. 

Our Story

Where It All Began

LineagebyV.com was founded by the same generational jewellers of Vana Fine Jewellery. From birthstones to gems, Lineage by Vana Fine seeks to create the finest day-to-day adornment that fits any occasion. All so you can shine wherever you go.

We believe that everyone has their own story to tell. Whether it is an iconic identity or heritage, let yours be eternal and remembered in the form of jewellery and gemstones.

We represent a new Line – a spectrum of gemstones and unique designs, and new generational age a digital edge. We continue to focus on excellent craftsmanship in creating the most intricate pieces that truly reflect the colours of people we are passionate about. With a bonding of ethically sourced jewels and elegantly crafted materials, you can be sure to find a design that speaks to your heart at first glance.

Just like the universe, we are the stars in an infinite galaxy. With so many possibilities lying in wait, we also believe in something called “fate.” It is said that the wearer holds a strong connection to the birthstone they put on, channeling energy that is healing and tranquil. And like true love, everyone is fated to meet the birthstone that calls to them.


Ready to meet your fated piece that will tell your story?

Discover your jewellery of lineage today.